
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hitman for El Chapo Fingered for 8 from Fingerprints

He admitted to Kidnapping,  Killing, Discarding 8 Bodies on the Highway 

Chihuahua Óscar Fernando Ruizesparza Ontiveros  revealed details of the murder of eight people whose bodies were found on the Highway from Rosales - Satevó. When being questioned Ruizesparza confessed that he sells marijuana and cocaine, as well as working for a criminal group in the city of Parral, of which no details were given. Later it became known he worked for El Chapo Guzman.
The FGE announced that the accused narrated in his statement that he received a call around 9 in the morning when his boss summoned him  of the city of Parral in which a person in a Dodge Ram expected him to travel to Jimenez. 
Ruizesparza recounted he joined a convoy of six cars, each manned by three or four with hooded,  clothing, tactical gear, radio communication devices, a long handgun . Complementing the statement of the accused, the authority researcher said he had video footage captured the moment when the group hit the streets armed of Mariano Jiménez and Miguel Hidalgo,in the town of Jimenez, where a violent up kidnapping of  of eight men .
The bodies of eight individuals deprived of their liberty with signs of torture were located kilómetro 45 and 700 of the highway leading from Satevó to Rosales. 
The FGE reported that they identified Ruizesparza taking  fingerprints on a card that he left  with the bodies that named the cartel responsible or attributed to the death.
Defendant was arrested in an operation involving undercover agents in the city of Parral, where they confiscated drugs and weapons. In addition, the state attorneys office said they will ask the judge  to be sentenced  Oscar Ruizesparza to Life, penalty prescribed for those involved in multiple murders.