Best Wishes and Shoutout to Chivis

When I started Borderland Beat, I knew I could not do it by myself and I was constantly recruiting for help to research information on the Mexican drug cartels. Not many people were willing to step up to the plate, but a few did and I am greatly appreciative for all who have helped in the past and do so in the present. Contributors who on their own time and without any compensation, provided informaton to many.
In the last year or so, one contributor has gone above and beyond to make what BB is today, a reputable leading source of Mexican cartel news.This contributor is Buela Chivis who despite her failing health, continues to inform and contribute without a complaint. We owe her so much and always wish her the best of health.
Here is what DD shared on the Borderland Beat Forum:
In April of last year Chivis underwent a major surgery. Fortunately for all of us and all the others who know and love her she came through it successfully and has been as plucky and dedicated as ever. After the surgery, I think she may have become even more dedicated to the mission and the causes to which she has given so much of herself.
Here on Borderland Beat she has spent more time researching, investigating and writing. She has become the premier writer and reporter on BB. Even better than before.
I could write a 10,000 word essay describing our Grand Lady. Each of you could write your own descriptions of Chivis and all of us together still would not be able to capture how amazing and special this woman is.
She is scheduled to go under the knife for another major surgery on Thursday the 24th of this month.
Abuela Chivis, as some of us who have been around here for a while call her, doesn't complain or feel sorry for herself. The most she has said to me was when she was explaining why she had missed some trivial thing I had asked her about here on BB; (I normally would never reveal the contents of a private email from Chivis or any of our readers without their permission, but in this case I am making an exception because it shows how selfless Chivis is)
"in this case I have not had much time, trying to get ahead of myself with everything because it is unclear how badly my recovery will be after the surgery"
That is typical of Chivis, doing everything she can for us before her surgery. Worrying about us on BB rather than what she was facing in the upoming surgery.
When she had the surgery last year I asked the readers of the Forum to all say a prayer for Chivis while she was having the surgery and for her recovery. Here is an excerpt from that request;
Would all of you join me in praying for her successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Many studies have shown that concentrated prayer for a person with medical problems can have a positive effect. Whatever is your faith, or if you are an atheist or agnostic, lets use prayer, the power of positive thoughts, or whatever you want to call it, to do all we can for our beloved Chivis.
We have readers from around the world who love and respect Chivis and our combined energies might make a difference. I don't know what time her surgery is scheduled because I knew if I asked her she would know what I am doing and tell me not to do it. She wouldn't want to worry everybody. That is just how Chivis is. The most unselfish person I know.
All of what I posted last year asking for your prayers still applies today (except for the time and date of her surgery). The link for that plea is HERE. You can read the comments from some of the many many people who care for her, and her response to us after the surgery. Part of her response to everyone was:
"you can not know how it lifted my spirits and jump started my kick ass courage."
In the last year or so, one contributor has gone above and beyond to make what BB is today, a reputable leading source of Mexican cartel news.This contributor is Buela Chivis who despite her failing health, continues to inform and contribute without a complaint. We owe her so much and always wish her the best of health.
Here is what DD shared on the Borderland Beat Forum:
In April of last year Chivis underwent a major surgery. Fortunately for all of us and all the others who know and love her she came through it successfully and has been as plucky and dedicated as ever. After the surgery, I think she may have become even more dedicated to the mission and the causes to which she has given so much of herself.
Here on Borderland Beat she has spent more time researching, investigating and writing. She has become the premier writer and reporter on BB. Even better than before.
I could write a 10,000 word essay describing our Grand Lady. Each of you could write your own descriptions of Chivis and all of us together still would not be able to capture how amazing and special this woman is.
She is scheduled to go under the knife for another major surgery on Thursday the 24th of this month.
Abuela Chivis, as some of us who have been around here for a while call her, doesn't complain or feel sorry for herself. The most she has said to me was when she was explaining why she had missed some trivial thing I had asked her about here on BB; (I normally would never reveal the contents of a private email from Chivis or any of our readers without their permission, but in this case I am making an exception because it shows how selfless Chivis is)
"in this case I have not had much time, trying to get ahead of myself with everything because it is unclear how badly my recovery will be after the surgery"
That is typical of Chivis, doing everything she can for us before her surgery. Worrying about us on BB rather than what she was facing in the upoming surgery.
When she had the surgery last year I asked the readers of the Forum to all say a prayer for Chivis while she was having the surgery and for her recovery. Here is an excerpt from that request;
Would all of you join me in praying for her successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Many studies have shown that concentrated prayer for a person with medical problems can have a positive effect. Whatever is your faith, or if you are an atheist or agnostic, lets use prayer, the power of positive thoughts, or whatever you want to call it, to do all we can for our beloved Chivis.
We have readers from around the world who love and respect Chivis and our combined energies might make a difference. I don't know what time her surgery is scheduled because I knew if I asked her she would know what I am doing and tell me not to do it. She wouldn't want to worry everybody. That is just how Chivis is. The most unselfish person I know.
All of what I posted last year asking for your prayers still applies today (except for the time and date of her surgery). The link for that plea is HERE. You can read the comments from some of the many many people who care for her, and her response to us after the surgery. Part of her response to everyone was:
"you can not know how it lifted my spirits and jump started my kick ass courage."