Juan José Ríos Missing Youths Found in Clandestine Graves in Concheros
The discovery was made in the course of yesterday, near the estuary of Juan José Ríos, close to municipality of Ahome, Sinaloa.
It's been two months of the disappearance of youth reported missing in Juan Jose Rios, found murdered and buried in a clandestine grave in an advanced state of putrefaction. Identification was made last night at the funeral home that took the bodies to conduct the autopsy concerned with knowing with certainty the cause of death.One of the deceased was dressed in the uniform of the funeral home of the neighboring city Guadalupana in the municipality of Guasave, he was employee of the company. The victims of triple homicide are Irving Jared Blanco Rodelo, 21, Efren Ulysses Valenzuela Muro, 22, and his cousin Luis Carlos Acosta Muro, 22.
The three were driving 95 Neon, license plates VMV-7381, when were reported as kidnapped on January 31, at10:22 pm, on Macario Gaxiola Boulevard, opposite the entrance to the subdivision Mallorca.Subsequent to today, the families of the three young men held a series of demonstrations against the authorities demanding haste in their search and even demanded a "presentation," as there was an alleged witness who said that their disappearances had been carried out by officers from the Municipal Police of Ahome. The bodies were found in an advanced state of putrefaction, and the bodies were stacked. The one on the top was wearing blue jeans, green sweatshirt and wore brown shoes. The middle, black jeans, blue shirt with white stripes, white socks, black belt and black jacket. Both had their hands were tied behind their backs with black ropes. In their hands were remains of white skin, presumably from one of the criminals who killed them. In the same area, law enforcement agencies reported the discovery of a human skeleton. Only bones and remnants of clothing were left: denim 501 jeans, blue and green sweatshirt shirt, brown shoes brought mining type. On one side were red and blue shorts, strewn about and Nike sneakers.